Our know-how for professional advice.
Only those who know our products and applications down to the smallest detail are able to give their customers the optimum advice. For this reason, the continuous training and further education of our employees and external sales partners worldwide is an extremely high priority at EFAFLEX.
The EFAFLEX Sales Academy offers both our own staff and our worldwide partners comprehensive, application-oriented training and further education.
Due to our international positioning and continuous improvement, we also have to break new ground and make use of all our available resources.
In-person training Domestic and international
Regular training on products, assembly and maintenance is part of everyday life for all service technicians. We also provide training in cooperation with TÜV, EX-Schutz and VDE Training (EFKffT).
E-Learning 24/7 – multilingual
We offer our customers and employees numerous independent opportunities for multilingual e-learning, also through the proprietary product videos here on our website.
Webcast tutorials Tutorials
We regularly expand our webcast tutorials to offer easy access to information about our products as well as the industries and applications of our doors.
In-house training team Sales Academy
The qualification of our training team takes place via a train-the-trainer concept. This improves the required know-how during the transfer of knowledge.
Carriers of know-how from our organisation Know-how
Behind every EFAFLEX door is the special know-how in our company, which ensures that our doors will continue to open and close in the future.
External experts External training personnel
We use external experts to provide training in all the key topics that we are unable to cover with our in-house training team.
Detailed industry knowledge from expert for expert.
Expert panel.
A regular transfer of know-how takes place in our EFAFLEX workshops so as to further enhance the detailed knowledge of our experts. Our experts therefore have the most up-to-date knowledge, and can support our customers and users in their decision-making at all times.
Doors knowledge for all.
In quarterly video tutorials, the EFAFLEX Academy highlights relevant topics which relate to high-speed doors in the various industries and areas of application.